I am WRECKED Jeanie. This piece is timely speaks to my soul my season my transition ALL OF IT ๐Ÿ˜ซ. I never processed several seasons and transitions and I think itโ€™s time โค๏ธ. I love ALL of your writing but this one ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ. Thank you for the challenge I look forward to the other side

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I would love to hear you get on with your processing, Erika. God bless you!

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God has some funny ways of taking us through things. I found this little gem as I was about to clean my email. This is resonated with me so much. Learning to be ok with change and grief and accept things as they come. Trusting God in all of it. The way things have been happening for me on a personal level, spiritual level and work wise has been astounding. There's still I a lot I don't understand but one thing I am sure about is God has been there through all this changes and transitions. Ones I have come to accept and have peace over while others I'm still praying and talking to Papa about. The one thing and only thing I am certain about is I wouldn't want it any other way, funny cause I still wouldn't even change the times I've groaned or complained about, because I have had God in the mist of those moments as well.

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This made me tear up, Stefanny! Thank you for sharing your journey. I love reading about how you know God is with you in the hard times. That's so encouraging to me. God bless you, my friend.

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Jeanie - this post ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐ŸŒŽ!!! I LOVED all of it. I am so excited for the new season you are entering in. This past season you were in was inspirational to so many and many more yet to hear about it. I cannot wait to hear all this next chapter has for you and Jeff!!! Love you both!!

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Thank you Rachel! โค๏ธ

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Yes! This speaks to where we are in our journey, one foot still here, tethered, and one toe out in the unknown. The โ€œnot knowing โ€œ is probably for our own good. But I know that God has good things in store for us - and this post made me pause and think about allll the events, relationships, family times that our current situation has afforded us. We have been blessed, even by the hard times. Thank you Jeanie! You and Jeff are amazing friends and we are inspired by you both. ๐Ÿฉท

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Thank you Mo! I was thinking about you guys as I wrote this. I pray God blesses you beyond measure as you press into the unknown!

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Love you Jeanie! This one came right on time for me to read. Lately life feels like one trial after another and what helps me get through it all, is reflect of how many times God has helped me through every season. I know Heโ€™s with me always. Change is always scary for me. I never thought of reflecting and writing it all down.

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Thank you for your feedback Michele! I understand how scary change can be. I've had lots of practice at it! I always have reflected on the season that is ending and have loved looking at all God did in my life during that time. I highly recommend it.

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